Thursday, March 8, 2012

I'll kill you with kindness...

So many times I've had to face people that are "not so nice." Both personal and business related, I've had moments when a "not so nice" response back to them was appropriate. I'm sure I've slipped up and sometimes have let the situation get the best of me. For the most part, I try to kill people with kindness.

I started working when I was 14. I don't mean just babysitting- but really working for a paycheck. I did it because I wanted to- I felt industrious! When I was 14 I worked at a flower shop that was in the mall. My mom happened to work at the same one. I would only work a few hours because of the labor laws, but I loved every second of it. Anywho, I started to get an idea of what customer service was at a very young age. I began to handle "grown up" situations and I learned a ton from them. I dealt with angry people, undecisive people, sad people, confused people, and "not so nice" people. I then worked as a server, and at the ripe age of 17 I worked for one of the most popular gyms in Gainesville as a floor instructor (really!) - and I learned the most while I worked there.

Dealing with people, specifically in business and customer service, is challenging. It takes knowing that the customer you are dealing with contributes to the success of your business in one way or another, and a positive outcome with them will ultimately yield positive results for your business. Some of the most difficult people that I have ever dealt with have come back for more of my services at a future point. They became repeat business because I killed them with kindness the first time. I listened to what they had to say, did my best to make it better, even if I knew there was no wrong doing, and in the end, I still got the best of the situation.

Killing someone with kindness means giving your absolute best, having the utmost patience, being extra nice when that person is doing the opposite for you. You can do this with anyone, business or personal relationships, and I guarantee you, you will look back one day and realize how you benefitted from that situation. So there, KNOCK 'EM DEAD!

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