Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Try on their pair of shoes...

The other day I was helping one of my clients on job searching and finding creative ways to supplement his income. His disability doesn't allow him to concentrate or maintain focus for a long time. He always comes up with really interesting topics and asks random questions while we are working together. Our conversation that afternoon went a little like this...

Client- I have a question and it is a random question.
Me- Ok, What is it?
Client- You know how in the cartoon Scooby Doo they are going after ghosts and everyone is scared of the ghosts?
Me- Yes
Client- Well I always wonder why no one makes a big deal about a talking dog!
Me- You're right, that is funny.

Then he goes on to say what truly stood out to me as an interesting observation coming from someone who is probably judged and viewed differently by people around him.

Client- I mean, I just would love to see an episode where the ghost screams back at the dog and says "Ahhhhhh! A talking dog!"

See, the truth is that everyone perceives their surroundings differently. What seems normal and sound to one person could be completely absurd to another. We should, at least, try to imagine what other people are going through that are causing their actions. It can be hard, and we are all guilty of passing judgements, but the next time we are presented with an opportunity to judge a person's actions or behavior, let's try to wear their shoes for a minute and perceive the world from where they're standing.

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