Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Get off your comfy couch!

We all know that change is good. Change is also scary. Putting yourself out there to change habits, reach goals or achieve anything can be very scary. The truth is that we don't really succeed or change until we put ourselves out of our own comfort zone.

The reason why we are comfortable where are is because it comes easy to us to follow the same behavior patterns we've already developed.

What is it going to take for you to change that habit or achieve that goal that your heart desires? It is going to take you feeling uncomfortable and doing things different for a while until you achieve your desired outcome.

Imagine that right now you are sitting on your favorite couch, in your favorite spot, that you've sat in for X amount of years (your age) and all of a sudden you have to stand up and sit on the floor for a while. The first thing you'd probably do is say "heck no!, I'm not sitting on the floor", or you might sit on the floor for a while and then get back up and sit on the comfy spot again.

If you want to truly change and achieve, you have to sit on the hard, not so comfy floor until that floor becomes your norm.

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