Monday, March 26, 2012

It's your boat...

I often find myself telling people "whatever floats your boat" as a response to a choice they have to make. Many times it is at my art studio, where apprehensive guests are asking questions about their paintings and I say "whatever floats your boat" as a care free way to lead them to make a decision based on what they like or want of their painting.

While listening to Dwayne Dyer's audio seminars I heard him mention how he uses a boat to relate to his teachings. He used the song "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" as a metaphor of how we should live our lives. The boat is our own, and symbolizes our life. The rowing is the work we put into our lives and goals. The song states to row your boat "gently" which encourages us to go be gentle and kind to ourselves and to others as we "row" through life, and finally, the direction you are going with your boat should be "down the stream", rather than against the current.

The most important thing that stuck with me about this metaphor is that Dwayne Dyer emphasizes that fact that you should row YOUR boat- not mine, not anybody else's, but yours. Wouldn't life be so easy if we all just worried about our own boats? Wouldn't be be fabulous if we all took responsibility and ownership of the direction and pace that our boat was going in? Ultimately, it is your boat, and if this boat sinks, floats, moves, gets through the storm, sails beautiful oceans or stays in anchored in one place it is YOUR decision.

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