Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How I became "The Canvas Lady"

Living in a small town means there aren't a ton of wholesale suppliers close by. This leaves a business owner to order products or to, in urgent situations, resort to the retail world of sales and coupons. The only supplier I have of canvases in my town is Michaels Stores. We have ONE store, and they don't have it, I'm pretty much driving 45 miles to the next store.

So, many times (many, many times) in the crazy world of entrepreneurship you must improvise- hence my trips to Michaels during Canvas Sales on a daily basis. I stack as many canvases as I can in their tiny cart and roll on over to the cashier. I usually buy them out and hope that they will restock for the next day. When I ask the staff if there are any in "the back", I normally get a positive response (after a few days they are probably sick of it, and I totally get it.) So, after many trips, one day I got called The Canvas Lady. The catch is I didn't have any canvases in my cart yet, so this guy knew who I was and what I was about to ask him. Then, thereafter, I became, The Canvas Lady. I laughed the first few times, but then I totally embraced it. I had worked so crazy hard for my business, and to be called a canvas lady was sort of a success of its own. I had earned the nickname, and I was proud of it.

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